Stress awareness workshops for families and businesses

Stress and Anxiety are becoming at an all time high. With our work, social and home life demanding more from us its apparent that nowadays its really taking its toll on us as human beings. From physical illness to mental illness, stress can rear its head in many forms and have serious effects on our wellbeing.

We need to start being accountable for our health and wellbeing, as well as those of us who work for and with us. To optimise relationships, happiness and work time.

Hannah Presence yoga offers fun, interactive and informative workshops design to bring awareness to stress, how it effects us, exercises which can be done to reduce and minimise stress and giving the tools to get the most out of work and home life.

Information, mixed with a hands on approach breathing and gentle yoga class, attendees will learn instantly how yoga and mindfulness can calm and anxious mind or invigorate a sluggish one.

For more information on how these workshops can benefit your business/workplace in and around London and Kent, please get in-touch


Thanks to VW Medway for photo credits and testimonials of their workshop. Here what they have to say about the workshop at

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“Thank you Hannah for making our 1st ever Yoga/Wellbeing session at JCB Medway Volkswagen an absolute smash hit. The staff really benefited from this & thoroughly enjoyed it, the feedback has been great & cant wait for this to happen at our other branches across Kent.” Eveie Pyrke, HR manager